13 Сакавік 2025
7 месяц таму
Нігер аб'яўляе, што разарвае дыпламатычныя адносіны з Украінай з неадкладным уступленнем у сілу.
7 месяц таму
Украіна пакідае за сабой права прыняць усе неабходныя палітычныя і дыпламатычныя меры ў адказ на недружалюбныя дзеянні пераходнага ўрада Рэспублікі Малі - МЗС Украіны
US withdrawal from Niger is complete - ahead of schedule @USAfricaCommand says US forces and assets have left Air Base 201 in Agadez. The U.S. Department of Defense and the Nigerien Ministry of National Defense recognize the sacrifices made by both nations' forces7 месяц таму
US withdrawal from Niger is complete - ahead of schedule @USAfricaCommand says US forces and assets have left Air Base 201 in Agadez". The U.S. Department of Defense and the Nigerien Ministry of National Defense recognize the sacrifices made by both nations' forces"
7 месяц таму
Малі заяўляе, што разарваў дыпламатычныя адносіны з Украінай пасля таго, як ваенны чыноўнік выказаў здагадку, што Кіеў адыграў ролю ў смяротных баях каля алжырскай мяжы ў мінулым месяцы
Islamic State Greater Sahara claims to have conducted an ambush on a Mali army convoy in Tabangou, Gao region, killing over 20 soldiers last Tuesday7 месяц таму
Islamic State Greater Sahara claims to have conducted an ambush on a Mali army convoy in Tabangou, Gao region, killing over 20 soldiers last Tuesday
Niger: JNIM of Al Qaeda in the Sahel confirms that the two kidnapped Russians are in its possession7 месяц таму
Niger: JNIM of Al Qaeda in the Sahel confirms that the two kidnapped Russians are in its possession
In Nigeria, thousands of demonstrators have been in the streets since August 1 to express their frustration with the high cost of living. They call for improving the governance system
[Azawad] The Patriotic Liberation Front-FPL warns the putschists in power in Niamey of possible involvement in the conflict between Azawad and Mali. Niger FPL warns General Tiani against interference in the conflict between Azawad and the State of Mali7 месяц таму
[Azawad] The Patriotic Liberation Front-FPL warns the putschists in power in Niamey of possible involvement in the conflict between Azawad and Mali. Niger FPL warns General Tiani against interference in the conflict between Azawad and the State of Mali
At least 13 people were killed in protests against the high cost of living in Nigeria
Mali JNIM AQIM regarding the Tinzawaten strikes, once again points the finger at Turkey the Erdogan government with its ministries of foreign affairs and defense regarding the aid and assistance granted to the juntas through the sales of drones and munitions7 месяц таму
Mali JNIM AQIM regarding the Tinzawaten strikes, once again points the finger at Turkey "the Erdogan government with its ministries of foreign affairs and defense" regarding the aid and assistance granted to the juntas through the sales of drones and munitions
Mali: CSP-DPA issues statement calling for general mobilization. All forces in the country must now unite for one objective, and this objective is Azawad and the people of Azawad7 месяц таму
Mali: CSP-DPA issues statement calling for general mobilization. "All forces in the country must now unite for one objective, and this objective is Azawad and the people of Azawad"
7 месяц таму
France recognizes Morocco's sovereignty over the "Sahara" as the sole basis for reaching a political solution to the issue
7 месяц таму
The Wagner group confirms the death of Commander Sergey Shevchenko, commander of the 13th assault group during the fighting with the CSP-DPA in Tinzawatene
Islamic State attacked and destroyed a Nigerian army   loyal militias patrol near Gamboro, Borno Nigeria7 месяц таму
Islamic State attacked and destroyed a Nigerian army loyal militias patrol near Gamboro, Borno Nigeria
SHOT sources in Rusisan Ministry of defense claim all captured fighters of PMC Wagner from Tuareg's captivity after paying redemption7 месяц таму
SHOT sources in Rusisan Ministry of defense claim all captured fighters of PMC Wagner from Tuareg's captivity after paying redemption
7 месяц таму
Sources in northern Mali: Azawad forces captured a large number of Russian Wagner forces in northern Mali. Sources close to the Azawad army reported that the Wagner militias suffered a crushing defeat, along with battalions from the Malian army. From the Wagner militia: - 150 killed - 17 wounded - 35 captured From the Malian army: - 107 killed - 35 wounded - 74 captured
Administrator of Grey Zone Telegram Channel are among killed PMC Wagner fighters in Mali7 месяц таму
Administrator of Grey Zone Telegram Channel are among killed PMC Wagner fighters in Mali
7 месяц таму
Over 80 PMC Wagner fighters were killed in Tin Zaouatine, Mali. Also Mi-24 helicopter of the group was shot down
Image of the armored vehicles left by the Russian mercenaries (Wagner) after their escape to Tinzaouaten7 месяц таму
Image of the armored vehicles left by the Russian mercenaries (Wagner) after their escape to Tinzaouaten
According to its own JNIM AQMI source the group has 2 foreign hostages taken in Baga during the attack. Niger JNIM AQIM claims an attack in Baja Tillaberi on July 19 against an army position at least 1 dead7 месяц таму
According to its own JNIM AQMI source "the group has 2 foreign hostages taken in Baga" during the attack. Niger JNIM AQIM claims an attack in Baja Tillaberi "on July 19 against an army position at least 1 dead"
Benin: JNIM AQIM claims an attack against the army in the Karimama sector on July 24 [] 13 dead7 месяц таму
Benin: JNIM AQIM claims an attack against the army in the Karimama sector "on July 24 [] 13 dead"
7 месяц таму
AFP: About 200 American soldiers from a military base in the northern city of Agadez will withdraw in August
The Malian army and Wagner at inAfarak -10km from the border with Algeria, which marks a considerable capacity for outreach, especially with the potential capacity for drone support from Kidal and a real logistical obstacle for the rebel movements in the north7 месяц таму
The Malian army and Wagner at inAfarak -10km from the border with Algeria, which marks a considerable capacity for outreach, especially with the potential capacity for drone support from Kidal and a real logistical obstacle for the rebel movements in the north
Today, IS Greater Sahara released a photoset of the attack in Takanamat (with four bodies visible)8 месяц таму
Today, IS Greater Sahara released a photoset of the attack in Takanamat (with four bodies visible)
Mali: JNIM AQMI announces the blockade of Douma after an investigation and irrefutable evidence indicating that the inhabitants harbor and help Wagner and the apostate army to kill and spoil. We warn against any approach or aid to the inhabitants of this village8 месяц таму
Mali: JNIM AQMI announces "the blockade of Douma after an investigation and irrefutable evidence indicating that the inhabitants harbor and help Wagner and the apostate army to kill and spoil. We warn against any approach or aid to the inhabitants of this village"
8 месяц таму
Reuters writes on the jihadi jailbreak in Niger saying there were inmates belonging to JNIM and Islamic State from both ISGS and ISWAP. Overnight reports said over 200 jihadists might have fled with weapons and vehicles taken from prison guards
The military governments of Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso on Saturday marked their divorce from the rest of West Africa, as they signed a treaty setting up a confederation between them8 месяц таму
The military governments of Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso on Saturday marked their divorce from the rest of West Africa, as they signed a treaty setting up a confederation between them
8 месяц таму
Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger sign 'confederation' treaty: statement
8 месяц таму
Niger - Arrival of CNSP leader Gen. Tiani at the International Conference Center Mahatma Gandhi in Niamey for the AES summit. BurkinaFaso's Trans. President Traore arrived yesterday evening, Mali's Trans. President Goita landed in Niamey just 1.5 hours ago. RTN/Tele Sahel
BurkinaFaso: capture of another video from Noaka Kaya in which dozens of corpses are visible scattered on the ground and in the holes/trenches which are part of the defense system submerged by the JNIM AQMIBurkinaFaso taken from the VDP base of Noaka by the JNIM AQIM on 26.06 30 dead video cut to hide the bodies on the ground8 месяц таму
BurkinaFaso: capture of another video from Noaka Kaya in which dozens of corpses are visible scattered on the ground and in the holes/trenches which are part of the defense system submerged by the JNIM AQMIBurkinaFaso taken from the VDP base of Noaka by the JNIM AQIM on 26.06 "30 dead" video cut to hide the bodies on the ground