12 Marzo 2025
7 mes atrás
El grupo Wagner confirma la muerte del comandante Sergey Shevchenko, comandante del 13º grupo de asalto durante los combates con el CSP-DPA en Tinzawatene
El Estado Islámico atacó y destruyó una patrulla de milicias leales al ejército nigeriano cerca de Gamboro, Borno Nigeria7 mes atrás
El Estado Islámico atacó y destruyó una patrulla de milicias leales al ejército nigeriano cerca de Gamboro, Borno Nigeria
Fuentes de SHOT en el Ministerio de Defensa ruso afirman que todos los combatientes del PMC Wagner capturados del cautiverio de los tuaregs después de pagar represalias7 mes atrás
Fuentes de SHOT en el Ministerio de Defensa ruso afirman que todos los combatientes del PMC Wagner capturados del cautiverio de los tuaregs después de pagar represalias
7 mes atrás
Fuentes en el norte de Malí: Las fuerzas de Azawad capturaron un gran número de fuerzas rusas de Wagner en el norte de Malí. Fuentes cercanas al ejército de Azawad informaron que las milicias de Wagner sufrieron una derrota aplastante, al igual que los batallones del ejército maliense. De la milicia Wagner: - 150 muertos - 17 heridos - 35 capturados Del ejército de Malí: - 107 muertos - 35 heridos - 74 capturados
El administrador del canal Grey Zone Telegram se encuentra entre los combatientes del PMC Wagner asesinados en Mali7 mes atrás
El administrador del canal Grey Zone Telegram se encuentra entre los combatientes del PMC Wagner asesinados en Mali
7 mes atrás
Más de 80 combatientes del PMC Wagner murieron en Tin Zaouatine, Mali. También fue derribado el helicóptero Mi-24 del grupo
Imagen de los vehículos blindados que dejaron los mercenarios rusos (Wagner) tras su huida a Tinzaouaten7 mes atrás
Imagen de los vehículos blindados que dejaron los mercenarios rusos (Wagner) tras su huida a Tinzaouaten
Según su propia fuente del JNIM AQMI, el grupo tomó dos rehenes extranjeros en Baga durante el ataque. Níger JNIM AQIM reivindica un ataque en Baja Tillaberi el 19 de julio contra una posición del ejército que dejó al menos 1 muerto7 mes atrás
Según su propia fuente del JNIM AQMI, "el grupo tomó dos rehenes extranjeros en Baga" durante el ataque. Níger JNIM AQIM reivindica un ataque en Baja Tillaberi "el 19 de julio contra una posición del ejército que dejó al menos 1 muerto"
Benin: JNIM AQIM reivindica un ataque contra el ejército en el sector de Karimama el 24 de julio [] 13 muertos7 mes atrás
Benin: JNIM AQIM reivindica un ataque contra el ejército en el sector de Karimama "el 24 de julio [] 13 muertos"
AFP: Unos 200 soldados estadounidenses de una base militar en la ciudad norteña de Agadez se retirarán en agosto
El ejército maliense y Wagner en InAfarak, a 10 kilómetros de la frontera con Argelia, lo que marca una considerable capacidad de acercamiento, especialmente con la potencial capacidad de apoyo con drones desde Kidal y un verdadero obstáculo logístico para los movimientos rebeldes en el norte.7 mes atrás
El ejército maliense y Wagner en InAfarak, a 10 kilómetros de la frontera con Argelia, lo que marca una considerable capacidad de acercamiento, especialmente con la potencial capacidad de apoyo con drones desde Kidal y un verdadero obstáculo logístico para los movimientos rebeldes en el norte.
Today, IS Greater Sahara released a photoset of the attack in Takanamat (with four bodies visible)7 mes atrás
Today, IS Greater Sahara released a photoset of the attack in Takanamat (with four bodies visible)
Mali: JNIM AQMI announces the blockade of Douma after an investigation and irrefutable evidence indicating that the inhabitants harbor and help Wagner and the apostate army to kill and spoil. We warn against any approach or aid to the inhabitants of this village8 mes atrás
Mali: JNIM AQMI announces "the blockade of Douma after an investigation and irrefutable evidence indicating that the inhabitants harbor and help Wagner and the apostate army to kill and spoil. We warn against any approach or aid to the inhabitants of this village"
8 mes atrás
Reuters writes on the jihadi jailbreak in Niger saying there were inmates belonging to JNIM and Islamic State from both ISGS and ISWAP. Overnight reports said over 200 jihadists might have fled with weapons and vehicles taken from prison guards
The military governments of Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso on Saturday marked their divorce from the rest of West Africa, as they signed a treaty setting up a confederation between them8 mes atrás
The military governments of Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso on Saturday marked their divorce from the rest of West Africa, as they signed a treaty setting up a confederation between them
8 mes atrás
Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger sign 'confederation' treaty: statement
8 mes atrás
Niger - Arrival of CNSP leader Gen. Tiani at the International Conference Center Mahatma Gandhi in Niamey for the AES summit. BurkinaFaso's Trans. President Traore arrived yesterday evening, Mali's Trans. President Goita landed in Niamey just 1.5 hours ago. RTN/Tele Sahel
BurkinaFaso: capture of another video from Noaka Kaya in which dozens of corpses are visible scattered on the ground and in the holes/trenches which are part of the defense system submerged by the JNIM AQMIBurkinaFaso taken from the VDP base of Noaka by the JNIM AQIM on 26.06 30 dead video cut to hide the bodies on the ground8 mes atrás
BurkinaFaso: capture of another video from Noaka Kaya in which dozens of corpses are visible scattered on the ground and in the holes/trenches which are part of the defense system submerged by the JNIM AQMIBurkinaFaso taken from the VDP base of Noaka by the JNIM AQIM on 26.06 "30 dead" video cut to hide the bodies on the ground
Al-Qaeda in Sahel (JNIM) claims responsibility for the attack on a Burkinabe VDP militias headquarters in Noka, killing over 30 pro-junta militants. Another great casualty attack from JNIM across Mali, Burkina and now getting hot in Niger also8 mes atrás
Al-Qaeda in Sahel (JNIM) claims responsibility for the attack on a Burkinabe VDP militias headquarters in Noka, killing over 30 pro-junta militants. Another great casualty attack from JNIM across Mali, Burkina and now getting hot in Niger also
Multiple explosions rock N'Djamena, Chad, as authorities report fire at military ammunition depot on city's north side8 mes atrás
Multiple explosions rock N'Djamena, Chad, as authorities report fire at military ammunition depot on city's north side
8 mes atrás
An armed opposition group in Niger claims an attack on a Chinese-run pipeline
8 mes atrás
BurkinaFaso: images of the attack on Mansila on the border with Niger by the JNIM AQMI, no official assessment either by the army or by the jihadists for the moment
Mali: among the important indicators of activity of jihadist groups is the ability to return to the scene after an IED. Here the jihadists of JNIM AQMI on the Farabougou - Sokolo road we notice the state of the vehicle, demonstration of a controlled charge direction9 mes atrás
Mali: among the important indicators of activity of jihadist groups is the ability to return to the scene after an IED. Here the jihadists of JNIM AQMI on the Farabougou - Sokolo road we notice the state of the vehicle, demonstration of a controlled charge direction
9 mes atrás
Nigeria gunmen kill 50 in raid on northwest village, residents say
9 mes atrás
Lavrov arrived in the Republic of Chad on his first ever visit
The Russian Federation will additionally supply Burkina Faso with military products, Lavrov said.
The Russian Federation will increase the number of military instructors in Burkina Faso, Lavrov said.
9 mes atrás
Mali: around twenty civilians killed by armed men in the center
9 mes atrás
Senegalese Prime Minister, Ousmane Sonko, raises the possibility of closing French military bases in the country. He has promised to strengthen closer ties with Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger who kicked out French troops
10 mes atrás
Pentagon orders all US combat troops to withdraw from Niger