19 September 2024
1 day ago
Bamako: Faladié Gendarmerie School Targeted by Attack, Situation Under ControlThe Malian Armed Forces (FAMAS) quickly responded to a terrorist attack against the Faladié Gendarmerie School in Bamako. The situation is now under control
AFP, citing a Malian official: Armed men attacked a camp in Bamako in the morning
Mali Timbuktu: 4 dead and 2 wounded in this strike the day before yesterday. Among the dead a civilian in the truck, a child passing by and Abou Dzir al-Chinqiti simple soldier of the JNIM and his wife. The drone tracked him at night and until the strike in the afternoon
Nigeria ISIS claims villagers are considered fighters responsible for the deaths of 9 mujahideen in recent months, they asked the governor of Yobi to set up a military base [other villages avoided them because their collaboration was known Nigeria ISIS claims Mafa massacre 130 adult men were separated from women and children and executed a letter was left in the village the village is accused of helping the army against the jihadists5 day ago
Nigeria ISIS claims "villagers are considered fighters responsible for the deaths of 9 mujahideen in recent months, they asked the governor of Yobi to set up a military base [other villages avoided them because their collaboration was known" Nigeria ISIS claims Mafa massacre "130 adult men were separated from women and children and executed a letter was left in the village" the village is accused of helping the army against the jihadists
Mali Kidal: Seizure of weapons and ammunition thanks to cooperation between the army and the population. The Malian Armed Forces (FAMa) have carried out a major seizure of weapons and ammunition in the Kidal region, following information provided by the local population. This successful operation highlights the effectiveness of the collaboration between the security forces and the inhabitants of the region.6 day ago
Mali Kidal: Seizure of weapons and ammunition thanks to cooperation between the army and the population. The Malian Armed Forces (FAMa) have carried out a major seizure of weapons and ammunition in the Kidal region, following information provided by the local population. This successful operation highlights the effectiveness of the collaboration between the security forces and the inhabitants of the region.
1 week ago
At least 52 dead in fuel tanker explosion in northern Nigeria: official
2 week ago
Algeria orders its armed forces to shoot anything that moves on its borders with Mali
I mercenari russi della Brigata "Medvedi" hanno lasciato il Burkina Faso a causa dell'offensiva delle Forze armate ucraine nella regione di Kursk, riporta il quotidiano francese Le Monde. Secondo la pubblicazione, c'erano circa 200-300 mercenari della brigata in Burkina Faso. Circa 100 di loro hanno già lasciato il paese. Il motivo della partenza dei mercenari è stata l'offensiva delle Forze armate ucraine nella regione di Kursk, come ha confermato a Le Monde il comandante della brigata Viktor Yermolaev.
Mali: Two pick-ups destroyed by army aviation in Boni yesterday
Burkina: Al Qaeda in the Sahel's JNIM reports that its attack on Bagsalogho on 26AUG24 was against a militia, resulting in the deaths of around 300 fighters. As militiamen, they ask to be considered civilians2 week ago
Burkina: Al Qaeda in the Sahel's JNIM reports that its attack on Bagsalogho on 26AUG24 was against a militia, resulting in the deaths of around 300 fighters. As militiamen, they ask to be considered civilians
3 week ago
In Burkina Faso, the al-Qaeda-aligned JNIM extremist group has massacred as many as 300 civilians in the centre-nord region town of Barsalogho. Attack came despite the government of Ibrahim Traoré receiving a 24-hour warning that it would occur
3 week ago
Mali: LCI suspended for "glorifying terrorism"
4 week ago
Le giunte sostenute dalla Russia in Mali, Niger e Burkina Faso chiedono al Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite di intervenire contro Kyiv per il sostegno ai ribelli nel Sahel, - lettera congiunta
Niger Diffa Province: The Islamic State’s Western Africa Province (ISWAP) claims an ambush on the Red Cross accompanied by the Nigerien Army IED attack and a consequent assault with  machine gun fire leading to the death of 8 Red Cross workers and 1 Nigerien soldier1 month ago
Niger Diffa Province: The Islamic State’s Western Africa Province (ISWAP) claims an ambush on the Red Cross accompanied by the Nigerien Army IED attack and a consequent assault with machine gun fire leading to the death of 8 Red Cross workers and 1 Nigerien soldier
Turkish-made UCAVs used by local operators were featured in the JNIM/AQIM video, with the JNIM/AQIM leader openly mentioning Turkish mercenaries and Sadat. Over the past few months, numerous Syrian opposition fighters were allegedly deployed to Niger and Burkina Faso1 month ago
Turkish-made UCAVs used by local operators were featured in the JNIM/AQIM video, with the JNIM/AQIM leader openly mentioning Turkish mercenaries and Sadat. Over the past few months, numerous Syrian opposition fighters were allegedly deployed to Niger and Burkina Faso
1 month ago
Il movimento Azawad afferma di non aver ricevuto alcun aiuto dall'Ucraina e dagli stranieri "Possiamo dire chiaramente che non abbiamo ricevuto alcun aiuto esterno per i combattimenti a Tinzaouaten", ha affermato Mohamed Elmaouloud Ramadan del CSP-PSD
Mali: Al Qaeda in the Sahel's JNIM reports attacking a vehicle of the Malian army and Russian troops with an explosive device last night near Goumbou1 month ago
Mali: Al Qaeda in the Sahel's JNIM reports attacking a vehicle of the Malian army and Russian troops with an explosive device last night near Goumbou
1 month ago
Russian Defense Minister Belousov discussed prospects for military cooperation with heads of military delegations from Burkina Faso and Niger, the Defense Ministry reported
Burkina Faso: On 5AUG24, President Ibrahim Traore announced another failed coup attempt in the country. Intelligence Minister and several agents arrested
1 month ago
Russian Defense Minister Andrei Belousov held talks with the defense ministers of Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Mali and the Central African Republic. The delegations arrived in Moscow to participate in the Army-2024 forum
1 month ago
Libyan National Army: We have strengthened our borders with Mali, Niger and Chad amid growing instability in these countries
1 month ago
Mali orders Swedish ambassador to leave country within 72 hours
United States Announces Nearly $536 Million in Additional Humanitarian Assistance for Sub-Saharan Africa
Mali Kidal drone strike ~10km north of Boghassa on August 5. According to its own source the target struck was civilian. It is interesting to know the type of ammunition used given the small size of the craters and the visible debris.1 month ago
Mali Kidal drone strike ~10km north of Boghassa on August 5. According to its own source "the target struck was civilian". It is interesting to know the type of ammunition used given the small size of the craters and the visible debris.
1 month ago
JNIM AQMI claims attack against Wagner on August 6 on a road in Mourdiah "great human loss" without giving a precise figure / recognizes the death of a jihadist during the attack
The President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Julius Maada BIO, arrived this Wednesday morning in Ouagadougou for a working and friendship visit
1 month ago
Il Niger annuncia che interromperà le sue relazioni diplomatiche con l'Ucraina "con effetto immediato".
1 month ago
L'Ucraina si riserva il diritto di adottare tutte le misure politiche e diplomatiche necessarie in risposta alle azioni ostili del governo di transizione della Repubblica del Mali - Ministero degli Affari Esteri dell'Ucraina
US withdrawal from Niger is complete - ahead of schedule @USAfricaCommand says US forces and assets have left Air Base 201 in Agadez". The U.S. Department of Defense and the Nigerien Ministry of National Defense recognize the sacrifices made by both nations' forces"
1 month ago
Il Mali afferma di aver interrotto le relazioni diplomatiche con l'Ucraina dopo che un ufficiale militare ha suggerito che Kyiv avesse avuto un ruolo nei combattimenti mortali vicino al confine algerino il mese scorso.