4 Июль 2024
ISWAP says it executed a Nigerian army spy near Kirinwa town3 месяц назад
ISWAP says it executed a Nigerian army spy near Kirinwa town
On the night of 30 to 31/03, at 2 a.m., around fifteen militants from Katiba Hanifa (JNIM) attacked the position of the National Guard in Kirtachi (Kollo, Tillabéri) with the aim of freeing a certain Ali Maïgarize, detained for his supposed links with militants.3 месяц назад
On the night of 30 to 31/03, at 2 a.m., around fifteen militants from Katiba Hanifa (#JNIM) attacked the position of the National Guard in #Kirtachi (#Kollo, #Tillabéri) with the aim of freeing a certain Ali Maïgarize, detained for his supposed links with militants.
In just two days, al-Qaeda in Sahel (JNIM) attacked three Mali army and Russian Africa Corps (former Wagner) bases, shelling with Grad rockets Timbuktu and Gao military airports. Today a new bombing was conducted on Anefis in Kidal. Besides them, multiple other operations Mali3 месяц назад
In just two days, al-Qaeda in Sahel (JNIM) attacked three Mali army and Russian Africa Corps (former Wagner) bases, shelling with Grad rockets Timbuktu and Gao military airports. Today a new bombing was conducted on Anefis in Kidal. Besides them, multiple other operations Mali
3 месяц назад
Niger revokes a military agreement with the US relating to the status of US military staff in the country. The US has about 1,000 troops still in Niger and $110 million drone base. The announcement comes only 48 hours after a US delegation visited Niger
4 месяц назад
Explosions and shootings in N'Djamena, the capital of Chad
4 месяц назад
The Nigerian army has issued a rare statement denying reports of an alleged coup plot.The Nigerian Defence Headquarters said it was categorically false. It follows reports that the Presidential Guard had been mobilised because of the suspected coup
4 месяц назад
ECOWAS lifts its economic sanctions against Guinea
Al-Qaeda informs on their attack on the Burkina Faso - Benin border, killing four Beninese soldiers and seizing various loot4 месяц назад
Al-Qaeda informs on their attack on the Burkina Faso - Benin border, killing four Beninese soldiers and seizing various loot
5 месяц назад
Reuters: Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso decide to withdraw immediately from the West African regional economic bloc, ECOWAS.
5 месяц назад
Mali ends the Algiers agreement signed in 2015
5 месяц назад
Российские войска начали развертывание в Буркина-Фасо для усиления безопасности главы переходного периода страны Ибрагима Траоре и народа этого государства, сообщает Bloomberg. Военные специалисты с техникой и оружием будут обучать местные войска и патрулировать опасные районы.
5 месяц назад
Blinken: Côte d'Ivoire is an essential partner for us and other countries, and we appreciate its leadership in combating extremism
5 месяц назад
Заместители Минобороны РФ Александр Фомин и Юнус-Бек Евкуров провели рабочую встречу с министром национальной обороны Республики Нигер Салифу Моди.
[Mali]: FAMa and Wagner forces reportedly dropped a barrel bomb from a helicopter on a nomadic camp in Aghalak (18.3902, 1.8233), Kidal, on December 30. The bomb did not explode and caused no casualties. A first in the country but current in Syria6 месяц назад
[Mali]: FAMa and Wagner forces reportedly dropped a barrel bomb from a helicopter on a nomadic camp in Aghalak (18.3902, 1.8233), Kidal, on December 30. The bomb did not explode and caused no casualties. A first in the country but current in Syria
6 месяц назад
The UN mission Minusma officially ends 10 years of presence in Mali (AFP, spokesperson)
7 месяц назад
Islamic State seems to have stormed Menaka today, while FAMA sent airforce to support forces on the ground. A major battle occured, for now assessments are being made.ISGS might not publish anything for a long time, judging from recent Niger rampage and 2-months long silence
Sahel Soum: yesterday, Nov 26, GAT JNIM attacked the town of Djibo. The material and human damage is enormous and impossible to assess at present. Airstrikes were also carried out against the attackers7 месяц назад
Sahel Soum: yesterday, Nov 26, GAT JNIM attacked the town of Djibo. The material and human damage is enormous and impossible to assess at present. Airstrikes were also carried out against the attackers
The Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces informs national and international opinion that the FAMa took up a position in the city of Kidal this Tuesday, November 14, 20237 месяц назад
The Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces informs national and international opinion that the FAMa took up a position in the city of Kidal this Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Kidal: Approximate location of one of this morning's drone strikes which caused victims among schoolchildren on a break and also small food sellers for this purpose.8 месяц назад
Kidal: Approximate location of one of this morning's drone strikes which caused victims among schoolchildren on a break and also small food sellers for this purpose.
Kidal the toll of today's strike is increasing. Several civilians killed, including children. Kidal drone strike a few moments ago this 7/11/23 an injured civilian8 месяц назад
Kidal the toll of today's strike is increasing. Several civilians killed, including children. Kidal drone strike a few moments ago this 7/11/23 an injured civilian
In Mali, UN peacekeepers in Kidal are destroying their own vehicles and abandoning base as other outposts are captured by Tuaregs/JNIM. The junta blames UN for ”compromising security by leaving too early”8 месяц назад
In Mali, UN peacekeepers in Kidal are destroying their own vehicles and abandoning base as other outposts are captured by Tuaregs/JNIM. The junta blames UN for ”compromising security by leaving too early”
8 месяц назад
Mali rebels claim takeover of vacated UN base near strategic town of Kidal: Separatist rebels in north on Tuesday claimed to have taken over an evacuated UN camp in the strategic town of Kidal
8 месяц назад
In northern Mali, Minusma accelerates its withdrawal from Kidal
8 месяц назад
The US State Department announces the suspension of most US aid to Gabon
8 месяц назад
France completes the withdrawal of its forces from its northern base in Niger as part of the planned departure operation
8 месяц назад
Niger : @EUCouncil adopts a new dedicated framework for targeted sanctions to support stability, democracy and the rule of law, including the constitutional order, in the country
8 месяц назад
MINUSMA withdraws from Tessalit in Kidal region
Press release from the Poutchists on the attempted escape of President Mohamed Bazoum and his wife.8 месяц назад
Press release from the Poutchists on the attempted escape of President Mohamed Bazoum and his wife.
MINUSMA has declared the withdrawal of its troops from outposts in Kidal. The mission has stated that 111 soldiers from the Malian Armed Forces Battalion escorted them while they left their position.8 месяц назад
MINUSMA has declared the withdrawal of its troops from outposts in Kidal. The mission has stated that 111 soldiers from the Malian Armed Forces Battalion escorted them while they left their position.
9 месяц назад
Niger Niamey: A domestic gas depot reportedly caught fire, triggering a fire at a gas station on Boulevard Tanimoune