رئيس لجنة الشؤون الخارجية في مجلس الشيوخ الفرنسي لـ"الشرق": ندعم قرارات "إيكواس" بشأن النيجر
وكالة أنباء النيجر: قائد المجلس العسكري عقد اليوم الاجتماع الأول مع الحكومة الجديدة
مدير بعثة منظمة الهجرة الدولية بنيجيريا لـ "الشرق": مستعدون لأي سيناريو لجوء من النيجر كما حدث في السودان
مدير بعثة منظمة الهجرة الدولية بنيجيريا لـ "الشرق": كل حدود النيجر مغلقة
الرئيس العاجي: "الإيكواس" تقرر بدء تدخلها العسكري في النيجر "في أقرب وقت"
إدارة بايدن تسعى للحصول على 200 مليون دولار لمواجهة أنشطة مجموعة فاجنر الروسية وغيرها في الدول الإفريقية
The President of ECOWAS has Ordered the Deployment of the ECOWAS-Standby Force to restore Constitutional Order in the Republic of Niger
Governor of Darfur: The joint forces are now securing more than a thousand kilometers from the White Nile to Darfur
Negotiation with the military government in Niger must be the "foundation of our approach", Nigerian President Bola Tinubu said on Thursday in Abuja at the opening of a new ECOWAS summit on Niger.
President Bazoum is represented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Niger at the ECOWAS Summit (Abuja, Nigeria)
2nd Extra-Ordinary Summit on the Socio-Political Situation in the Republic of Niger. Chairman of ECOWAS Authority of Heads of States and Government, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu of Nigeria arrives at the Summit
1 سنة منذThe Niger military junta announces the formation of the transitional government. The new government will be made up of 21 ministries, six of them (Defense, Interior, Health, Transportation, Youth and Water Resources) in the hands of military officers.
المجلس العسكري في النيجر يلتقي مبعوثين لرئيس نيجيريا ورئيس "إيكواس"
الخارجية الأميركية: قلقون للغاية تجاه سلامة الرئيس النيجري المعتقل من المجلس العسكري
فرنسا: لدينا تفويض خطي لحركة الطائرات التي نفذت اليوم مهام في النيجر
The French Foreign Ministry: There was no attack on any camp in Niger, and the French forces did not release any militants
French Foreign Ministry: Our forces in Niger are there at the request of the supreme legitimate authority
Islamic State in the Greater Sahel (ISGS) has published images of the execution of "two Wagner spies in Anderamboukane", in the Menaka region
المجلس العسكري بالنيجر : طائرة فرنسية اخترقت المجال الجوي للنيجر اليوم
The CNSP (Niger putschists) has now announced in a press release that the alert level of the armed forces has been raised.nnThis decision follows a terrorist attack on a guard post, and the CNSP is now accusing France of having released militants in the region. (Similar speeches by the juntas of Mali and Burkina Faso). The junta also accuses the French army of having sent an A400M from Chad to Niger, cutting off all communications as it entered the country's airspace (Niger's airspace had previously been closed)
1 سنة منذThe U.S. Embassy in Niger has released an “Urgent Security Alert” advising that any American Citizens still in the Capital of Niamey to Shelter-in-Place until further notice and to not attempt to enter the Downtown Areas near the Presidential Palace due to an Increase in Security Forces; a Curfew has also been put in place for U.S. Embassy Personnel due to the ongoing Situation"
RFI:African countries are planning to send a contingent of 25,000 troops to Niger as part of a military invasion.Nigeria can provide more than half of the military contingent. In addition Senegal, Benin and Côte d'Ivoire can send their soldiers as well
وصلت المجموعة الأولى من مدربي PMC Wagner من مالي إلى النيجر
Nigerian President Tinubu seeks his country's Senate support to back a regional military intervention in neighbouring Niger
France says only 'legitimate' Niger government can cut bilateral military pacts
1 سنة منذThe last round of contacts between the military junta and ECOWAS has failed and the talks have collapsed when the delegation left the country. Parallel to this, the Nigerian junta has withdrawn from their functions the ambassadors in France, the United States, Togo and Nigeria.
Demonstration at the call of the M62 and the support committee for the CNSP
Nigeria cuts power supply to Niger Republic
Sierra Leone police arrest senior military officers over plot to undermine democracy
France will "very soon" start to evacuate its nationals from Niger, where a coup last week has unleashed anti-French protests, Paris's embassy in Niamey says. Supporters wave Russian flags and anti-France signs as they rally in support of the junta in Niamey