5 Octobre 2024
11 mois il y a
Mali rebels claim takeover of vacated UN base near strategic town of Kidal: Separatist rebels in north on Tuesday claimed to have taken over an evacuated UN camp in the strategic town of Kidal
Mali Azawad Kidal Minusma. Dans le nord du Mali, la Minusma accélère son retrait de Kidal
The US State Department announces the suspension of most US aid to Gabon
11 mois il y a
France completes the withdrawal of its forces from its northern base in Niger as part of the planned departure operation
11 mois il y a
Niger : @EUCouncil adopts a new dedicated framework for targeted sanctions to support stability, democracy and the rule of law, including the constitutional order, in the country
11 mois il y a
MINUSMA withdraws from Tessalit in Kidal region
Communiqué des poutchistes sur la tentative d'évasion du Président Mohamed Bazoum et sa femme. Le président Bazoum même s'il en avait l'occasion il ne fuira jamais.  Essayez de nous refaire un nouveau scénario11 mois il y a
Communiqué des poutchistes sur la tentative d'évasion du Président Mohamed Bazoum et sa femme. Le président Bazoum même s'il en avait l'occasion il ne fuira jamais. Essayez de nous refaire un nouveau scénario
MINUSMA has declared the withdrawal of its troops from outposts in Kidal. The mission has stated that 111 soldiers from the Malian Armed Forces Battalion escorted them while they left their position.11 mois il y a
MINUSMA has declared the withdrawal of its troops from outposts in Kidal. The mission has stated that 111 soldiers from the Malian Armed Forces Battalion escorted them while they left their position.
12 mois il y a
Niger Niamey : Un dépôt de gaz domestique aurait pris feu déclenchant un incendie au niveau d'une Station service sur le boulevard Tanimoune
12 mois il y a
Des violents combats dans la zone d'Adanan Nakafar à l'ouest d'Anafif
12 mois il y a
The President of Côte d'Ivoire dismisses Prime Minister Alassane Ouattara and dissolves the government
1 année il y a
At least 40 missing, 'presumed dead' in northwest Nigeria boat accident - official
Burkina Faso postpones elections indefinitely
1 année il y a
French ambassador departs Niamey, Niger
Mali's military junta postpones presidential elections due to take place in February 2024 for technical reasons; no new date yet set1 année il y a
Mali's military junta postpones presidential elections due to take place in February 2024 for technical reasons; no new date yet set
1 année il y a
Macron announces that France will end the military presence in Niger and withdraw the ambassador following the coup two weeks ago
1 année il y a
The plane crashed while landing at the airport in Gao in eastern Mali, Malian news portal Malijet reported.
Une délégation militaire russe a rencontré des représentants de la junte du Burkina Faso
1 année il y a
Les deux chambres du Parlement britannique viennent d'approuver la motion du ministre de l'Intérieur visant à ajouter le groupe Wagner à une liste d'organisations terroristes interdites.
1 année il y a
Total collapse of the electrical grid in Nigeria has caused widespread blackouts across the largest economy in Africa
Al-Qaeda shows remains of a supposed Wagner helicopter they shot down in Sègou region Mali1 année il y a
Al-Qaeda shows remains of a supposed Wagner helicopter they shot down in Sègou region Mali
1 année il y a
The head of the Transitional Council in Mali stresses to Putin the necessity of resolving the situation in Niger through political and diplomatic means
1 année il y a
DOD is preparing to cut its presence in Niger nearly in half in the next few weeks, as troops move out of Niamey amid widespread protests, according to 2 DOD officials. Would be the 1st major movement of U.S. forces out of Niger since a July coup
1 année il y a
US official sources: Reducing the drones' sorties from the American base in Niger since the coup
1 année il y a
French government spokesman: There are discussions with officials in Niger to coordinate on the ground
Jitender Sachdeva, founder and Group President, Skipper Seil Group, announcing plans to invest $1.6B into Nigeria, in the power sector, over the next 2 years. Says he’s been doing business in Nigeria for 25 years, across healthcare, power and defence
1 année il y a
Prime Minister of the putschist government in Niger: Talks are underway for the "quick" withdrawal of French forces
1 année il y a
Niger reopens its airspace after a nearly month-long closure
Le vice-ministre russe de la Défense Evkurov est rentré en Syrie après des visites au Mali, au Burkina-Faso et en République centrafricaine1 année il y a
Le vice-ministre russe de la Défense Evkurov est rentré en Syrie après des visites au Mali, au Burkina-Faso et en République centrafricaine
JNIM AQMI revendique «le bombardement de l’aéroport de Tombouctou ce mercredi matin sanctuaire des mercenaires de Wagner et des soldats du traître Goïta»1 année il y a
JNIM AQMI revendique «le bombardement de l’aéroport de Tombouctou ce mercredi matin sanctuaire des mercenaires de Wagner et des soldats du traître Goïta»