5 Octobre 2024
1 année il y a
The European Union: We support the "ECOWAS" decisions on Niger and hold the "putschists" responsible for any attacks on civilians or diplomatic facilities
The African Union (AU) demands the military in Niger “return to their barracks and restore constitutional authority” within 15 days after grabbing power in a coup
EU threatens to withdraw Niger funding over coup:Any breakdown of the constitutional order will have consequences for cooperation between the EU and Niger, including the immediate suspension of all budget support1 année il y a
EU threatens to withdraw Niger funding over coup:"Any breakdown of the constitutional order will have consequences for cooperation between the EU and Niger, including the immediate suspension of all budget support"
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Niger: Following the coup which took place earlier this week, General Abdourahamane Tchiani named himself the new leader of the country
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Coup in Niger: Josep Borrell, the European Union's head of diplomacy, insisted that Niger's president, Mohamed Bazoum, be released immediately. The chief of the General Staff of the Nigerien armed forces expressed his support for the coup military
The West African Economic Community "ECOWAS" will hold an emergency summit Sunday in Nigeria on the Niger coup
Niger army declares allegiance to coup leaders in statement in order to avoid fighting within the armed forces1 année il y a
Niger army declares allegiance to coup leaders in statement in order to avoid fighting within the armed forces
Soldiers in Niger claim to have overthrown President Mohamed Bazoum1 année il y a
Soldiers in Niger claim to have overthrown President Mohamed Bazoum
1 année il y a
A group of military leaders in Niger say they have removed President Mohamed Bazoum, dissolved the constitution and closed the country's borders
Niger President Mohamed Bazoum reportedly being held by presidential guards inside his palace in apparent coup attempt1 année il y a
Niger President Mohamed Bazoum reportedly being held by presidential guards inside his palace in apparent coup attempt
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Situation confuse ce matin à Niamey où des militaires bloquent l'accès à la présidence. Le président Bazoum serait en train de négocier avec des mutins afin d'éviter un coup d'Etat. L'ambassade de France appelle ses ressortissants à ne pas sortir
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Mali's military-led government is in talks with gold miners over proposed changes to its mining law that could see it boost state and private Malian interests in new projects to 35%, from up to 20% today, according to a draft of the new code seen by Reuters.
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The interim military authorities in Mali are asking the UN to withdraw its MINUSMA peacekeeping force, Malian Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop told a UN security council meeting today
Suspected Islamic State West Africa (ISWA/Wilayat Gharb Afriqiyah)Militants Kill 7 Christians at a Church in Lukoja, Kogi State, Nigeria1 année il y a
Suspected Islamic State West Africa (ISWA/Wilayat Gharb Afriqiyah)Militants Kill 7 Christians at a Church in Lukoja, Kogi State, Nigeria
1 année il y a
Putin spoke by phone with the President of Mali, discussed bilateral cooperation, including the supply of Russian wheat, fertilizers and fuel, the Kremlin said
US State Department: PMC Wagner buys military systems from foreign suppliers to transfer them to Mali
A US convoy vehicle was attacked in Nigeria, but no Americans were involved or hurt, the White House said Tuesday
Le Haut Commissariat des Droits de l’Homme a publié aujourd’hui son rapport sur le massacre de Moura, où 500 civils ont été tués en mars 2022. nnLes principaux suspects sont l’armée malienne et les mercenaires du groupe Wagner.  La partie la plus intéressante étant les images intégrées au rapport nn1 année il y a
Le Haut Commissariat des Droits de l’Homme a publié aujourd’hui son rapport sur le massacre de Moura, où 500 civils ont été tués en mars 2022. nnLes principaux suspects sont l’armée malienne et les mercenaires du groupe Wagner. La partie la plus intéressante étant les images intégrées au rapport nn
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Berlin ordered Chad's ambassador to Germany to leave the country within 48h in response to a similar move by N'Djamena last week
The UN Mission to Libya: The UN envoy discussed during a visit to Sudan, Chad and Niger ways to establish peace in Libya and withdraw foreign fighters and mercenaries from it
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Reuters: Chad's interim President Mohamed Idriss Deby pardons 380 imprisoned members of the Front for Change and Accord
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Niger: U.S. officials said no ransom had been paid. The French government did not comment on how freedom was won for journalist Olivier Dubois, who was abducted almost two years ago
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Mali Koulikoro: Des policiers blessés et des véhicules calcinés c'est le bilan de l'attaque terroriste qui a visé le poste de contrôle de Dioba à 15 km de Kati
IS-Sahel claims that JNIM (AQIM) used three SVBIEDs against it during battles near Menaka, E. Mali. Yet another sign of intensifying battles between al-Qaeda and IS in the Sahel, with the latter reaping far more successes1 année il y a
IS-Sahel claims that JNIM (AQIM) used three SVBIEDs against it during battles near Menaka, E. Mali. Yet another sign of intensifying battles between al-Qaeda and IS in the Sahel, with the latter reaping far more successes
Security forces have arrested 15 migrants from Chad for brutally torturing two Libyan nationals inside their residence south of Tajoura suburb of Tripoli. The Chadians posted a video on social media showing the horrific torture
1 année il y a
Diré : Un policier tué dans une attaque terroriste - Mali A Diré, le poste de contrôle des forces armées maliennes, à l'entrée de la ville, a été la cible d'une attaque terroriste ce mardi matin vers 7 heures. Un policier aurait été tué et un gendar
Wilayah Sahel: Islamic State claimed killing 30 al-Qaeda fighters and wounding several others in clashes in Menaka, northeastern Mali1 année il y a
Wilayah Sahel: Islamic State claimed killing 30 al-Qaeda fighters and wounding several others in clashes in Menaka, northeastern Mali
1 année il y a
No fewer than 29 fishermen in Mukdolo village along Dikwa-Ngala Road have been killed by suspected Boko Haram militants while fishing in the Lake Chad region
Nigeria presidential candidate Peter Obi says to challenge election result in court
1 année il y a
Sahel Mali Tombouctou urgent Une attaque des obus et un échange de tirs en cours au camp de l'armée malienne dans la zone d'Acharene (30km à l'ouest de Tombouctou) sur la route menant à Goundam