5 Octobre 2024
Une délégation militaire russe a rencontré des représentants de la junte du Burkina Faso
1 année il y a
Les deux chambres du Parlement britannique viennent d'approuver la motion du ministre de l'Intérieur visant à ajouter le groupe Wagner à une liste d'organisations terroristes interdites.
1 année il y a
Total collapse of the electrical grid in Nigeria has caused widespread blackouts across the largest economy in Africa
Al-Qaeda shows remains of a supposed Wagner helicopter they shot down in Sègou region Mali1 année il y a
Al-Qaeda shows remains of a supposed Wagner helicopter they shot down in Sègou region Mali
1 année il y a
The head of the Transitional Council in Mali stresses to Putin the necessity of resolving the situation in Niger through political and diplomatic means
1 année il y a
DOD is preparing to cut its presence in Niger nearly in half in the next few weeks, as troops move out of Niamey amid widespread protests, according to 2 DOD officials. Would be the 1st major movement of U.S. forces out of Niger since a July coup
1 année il y a
US official sources: Reducing the drones' sorties from the American base in Niger since the coup
1 année il y a
French government spokesman: There are discussions with officials in Niger to coordinate on the ground
Jitender Sachdeva, founder and Group President, Skipper Seil Group, announcing plans to invest $1.6B into Nigeria, in the power sector, over the next 2 years. Says he’s been doing business in Nigeria for 25 years, across healthcare, power and defence
1 année il y a
Prime Minister of the putschist government in Niger: Talks are underway for the "quick" withdrawal of French forces
1 année il y a
Niger reopens its airspace after a nearly month-long closure
Le vice-ministre russe de la Défense Evkurov est rentré en Syrie après des visites au Mali, au Burkina-Faso et en République centrafricaine1 année il y a
Le vice-ministre russe de la Défense Evkurov est rentré en Syrie après des visites au Mali, au Burkina-Faso et en République centrafricaine
JNIM AQMI revendique «le bombardement de l’aéroport de Tombouctou ce mercredi matin sanctuaire des mercenaires de Wagner et des soldats du traître Goïta»1 année il y a
JNIM AQMI revendique «le bombardement de l’aéroport de Tombouctou ce mercredi matin sanctuaire des mercenaires de Wagner et des soldats du traître Goïta»
1 année il y a
EU Foreign Minister: We are moving forward with sanctions against Niger
The President of Nigeria: We follow the developments in Gabon closely and we have deep concern about the political and social stability there
Mali: Les terroristes du JNIM accentuent leur pression autour de Tombouctou. n26/08 Projection de 2 obus de mortier causant 1 mort et 3 blessés dont 1 grave. 27/08 Incendie d'un camion transportant du carburant.n les terroristes bloquent la route venant de Mauritanie. Seuls les petits véhicules peuvent passer ainsi que les femmes et enfants. L'impact se fait sentir sur les prix du carburant et des denrées de base (hausse de 50 à 100%)
1 année il y a
A source in the military council in Niger rejects France's threat and affirms commitment to protecting the French diplomatic mission
ECOWAS invites the Nigerien putschists to meet in a neutral place
1 année il y a
Niger police push reinforcements in front of the French base in Niamey, as demonstrations continue to demand the departure of the French ambassador and French forces
1 année il y a
The deadline of the military council in Niger has expired for the French ambassador to leave Niamey and return to his country
1 année il y a
Niger Coup: A Ghanaian driver has been shot dead after armed men suspected jihadists attacked a convoy of trucks carrying foodstuff from Ghana to Niger at Dori on the border with Niger and Burkina Faso. The trucks were burnt
Une délégation militaire russe, dirigée par le vice-ministre Evkurov, se rend en Libye à l'invitation de Haftar
1 année il y a
The head of the ECOWAS delegation to Niger: No one wants war and we hope that the diplomatic track will succeed
1 année il y a
The head of the ECOWAS delegation to Niger: the talks with the military junta were very fruitful
1 année il y a
Egyptian Foreign Ministry: We stress the importance of dialogue to ensure a peaceful solution to the crisis in Niger
The Peace and Security Council of the African Union: We strongly reject any external interference by any party in the affairs of the African continent, including the participation of private military companies
Peace and Security Council of the African Union: We support ECOWAS' measures to restore order in Niger diplomatically
The African Peace and Security Council decides to immediately suspend Niger's participation in all activities of the Union
Algeria refuses French request to fly over its airspace for military operation in Niger
1 année il y a
Unknown location
Wagner-tied channels released a video of Prigozhin, purportedly from a country in Africa. The leader of the group says Wagner is actively hiring and "making Russia greater" in Africa